Principal Desk

“Education makes people easy to lead but difficult to drive, easy to govern but impossible to enslave.
Today, the role of a school is not only to pursue academic excellence but also to motivate
and empower students to be lifelong learners, critical thinkers, and productive members of
an ever-changing global society. Converting every individual into a self-reliant and
independent citizen, our school provides an amalgam of scholastic and co-scholastic
APS, Rakhmuthi is a place where one learns about the totality, the wholeness of life.
Academic excellence is necessary but our school includes much more than that. It is the
place where both the teachers and the students explore, not only the outer World, the World
of knowledge, but also their thinking and behaviour.
We not only impart in-depth knowledge of a particular subject but at the same time also
ensure competent and constant growth of the students, and take pride in facilitating them to
grow and develop into sensitive and responsible well-rounded personalities of the next
Parents, teachers and management are all in earnest and desire that child shall grow to thebest of their potential. The influence of the home and the school go hand-in-hand in realising the real aim of education that is transforming learners into self reliant, spontaneous and responsible citizens of the country. We are indebted to the revolutionary document NEP 2020 to revamp our curriculum and revise our pedagogical practices which aims to give students the flexibility to plan their education in a way that gives them global exposure and more options with emphasis of honing their skills.
Teamwork is the hallmark of APS, Rakhmuthi. I appreciate the efforts put in by our wonderfulteam of students, teachers and the unstinting support of the Management for making this a truly successful year for all of us. In this pursuit of excellence, I appreciate our parent fraternity for supporting the school in every aspect.